What's the Story, Morning Glory?

What's the Story, Morning Glory?

I have a confession to make: I'm not a morning person.

The problem is, though, is that I've found if I'm not up and structured in the mornings the rest of my day goes to hell. So, what's a girl to do?

Structure the crap out of it, and keep pushing.

In order to have a successful day, I need to be out of the bed by 7:30. We're talking feet-on-floor, teeth brushed, bra on, ready to go. This means that I need a coffee in hand by 7:45.

I spend the first hour or two of my day going over my to-do lists, checking my goals and schedules, and sorting what I need to do for the day. Some days this doesn't take long, and sometimes this takes a while. Once done, it's on to writing.

I can usually maintain concentration for 90-120 mins straight. This is usually my best writing time, and will get me through to lunch.

How does your morning routine work out? Drop it in the comments, and maybe we can learn from each other!

Michelle xoxo
